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Rites and Sacraments

Baptism, Confirmation, Weddings and Funerals are important mileposts along the Christian journey. All are rites done in the gathered community.

Private baptisms are not allowed in the Diocese of Western Carolina. This holy sacrament is celebrated in the context of a service of Holy Communion on Sundays or a major feast day. Parents of children Candidates for Baptism need not be members of the parish, but they are required to meet with the member of clergy performing the sacrament for discussion of the rite. Adult Candidates will be informed of any meeting requirement when they request baptism.


Confirmation is the mature affirmation of one’s baptismal vows. As such, there is no set age for the rite. Generally, confirmation of children under the age of 12 is not appropriate, but each case will be considered individually. Preparation is given over several weeks prior to the Bishop’s visit. Currently our Bishop visits every other year, but if enough Confirmands wish to be confirmed in a non-visit year, arrangements may be made for a substitute bishop to visit. 


Weddings. For a detailed treatment of weddings at St. John is click here. An important matter to emphasize is that weddings, which are a rite of the church, are performed at St. John only for members of the parish or for their children or other members of parishioners’ household.


Please contact the Rector or Parish Office as soon as possible after the death of one for whom a service is desired. The Requiem Eucharist or Memorial Service is conducted in accordance with the rites set out in the Book of Common Prayer. For a detailed description of options available click here.


St. John in the Wilderness logo



Church: 1895 Greenville Highway

Parish House/Offices: 1905 Greenville Highway

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 185

Flat Rock, NC 28731


Office Hours: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Monday through Friday

Fridays by appointment only


Church Hours (Open to the Public):

9:00am to 5:00pm

Tuesday through Saturday

Diocesan Seal
Episcopal Church logo
Anglican Communion logo - compass rose in shades of yellow and gold, with a bishop's mitre on the north compass point
Map of the Parish Complex, including parking lots.
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