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Serving in Worship

It takes more than just the Clergy to pull off a church service. Members of St. John are invited to participate in worship through various ministries. From lay reading, to ushering, to driving the golf cart we use as a shuttle, there is a job for everyone who would like one.


Ways to Serve

If you are interested in serving in any of these ministries, please email the Office.


Acolytes include crucifers and torchbearers. They assist in the worship service by lighting the candles, carrying the Gospel and holding it while the Deacon reads the liturgy. Parishioners of any age are welcome to become acolytes.

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Flower Guild

Flower Guild

This group provides and arranges flowers for all church services as well as the Christmas and Easter festivities. It is a very rewarding way to use your artistic talents to serve our church.


If you are interested in donating flowers in memory or honor of someone special, please reach out to the Office.

Altar Guild

St. John's Altar Guild is composed of three teams which prepare for Sunday services and a member who serves at the Wednesday morning Healing Service. The Altar Guild is called upon to serve for funeral/memorial/baptismal services, as well. As an extension of the Altar Guild, the Candles and Brass Committee fills the liquid candles on a regular basis and maintains the wicks and cleaning of the brass.

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The Adult Choir performs at the 11am service every Sunday and at various special services throughout the year. They sing under the direction of Dewitt Tipton and meet on Wednesdays in the Wilderness Room at 4:30pm to rehearse. Contact Dewitt for more information.

Lay Readers

​Lay readers (sometimes referred to as "lectors") serve by leading the congregation through the liturgy at all services. Parishioners of any age are welcome to become lay readers.

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Lay Eucharistic Visitors

This group of parishioners serves under the direction of Deacon Sandy Rex. Each Sunday, they share the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, with members of the congregation who are unable to come to church. In addition, they read the Gospel, discuss the sermon, and, of course, bring news, greetings, and well wishes from St. John.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

LEMs assist in sharing the Eucharist by reading the scriptures and Prayers of the People and by serving the Blood of Christ at Communion.



​Ushers shape the worship experience of visitors and parishioners by helping to establish a warm and welcoming environment, providing a friendly first impression of our parish family, and assisting in the smooth operation of the service by directing attendees.


Greeters are charged with ensuring that every person who enters the church for worship is met with a smile and a warm welcome.

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Shuttle Drivers

Our church is beautiful. It is also located at the top of a hill. To make our services more accessible, the shuttle drivers offer rides in the golf cart from the parking lot to the entrance of the church. 


Gatekeepers open our church gate on Sunday mornings so that our Sexton can enjoy his day of rest. Individual members of the Gatekeepers are assigned to open the gate in monthly increments. In addition, they open the church building and prepare the sanctuary so that we have heat, light, and sound.

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