Schedule Changes for Sunday, January 19
Due to ongoing freezing temperatures and icy patches around the Church, the 8:45am service this Sunday has been cancelled. Formation will occur in the Parish House and Education Building at 10:00am as usual. The 11:00am service has been moved to the Parish Hall and will be streamed to our Facebook page. After the service, please join us for a special winter coffee hour in the Parish Hall, and bring something to share if you are able. Stay safe and warm!
Blue Ridge Service Corps
St. John in the Wilderness is a partner of the
The Blue Ridge Service Corps (BRSC) is an intentional community of young adults (ages 20 through 26) whose goal is to serve the greater community through prayer and action. The program and surrounding communities nurture these four individuals through the work they do at local nonprofits, the strengthening of their leadership skills, and a deepening of their spiritual awareness.